What are Cannabis Allergies and Their Symptoms?

In recent years, medical marijuana has gained popularity as an alternative to traditional medications. But along with its potential therapeutic effects, cannabis use can also cause potentially serious cannabis allergic reactions in some people. Every year, more and more people are reporting allergic reactions to cannabis. 

The plant is used for anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects, so it is essential to be aware of the potential risks and symptoms associated with cannabis allergies.

People may experience mild skin rashes or more severe reactions such as anaphylaxis, a life-threatening emergency that requires immediate medical attention. In this article, we will discuss what cannabis allergies are and their common symptoms. So let’s get started!

What are Cannabis Allergies?

A close-up of bad psoriasis on a person's arm

Cannabis allergies are immune system reactions to specific proteins that occur naturally in cannabis plants. These proteins, called cannabinoids, trigger an allergic reaction when they come into contact with the body’s immune system. The most common symptom of a cannabis allergy is a skin rash or hives, but it can also cause respiratory, gastrointestinal, and neurological reactions.

Cannabis allergies are tricky to pin down as they can range in intensity and affect various body parts. It is not uncommon to experience sneezing, watery eyes, and itchy skin after exposure to cannabis. 

Cannabis pollens also cause respiratory problems, including asthma, wheezing, and chest tightness. This can be a complicated issue for people who suffer from allergies all year round since cannabis pollen usually peaks in the summertime. 

The good news is that you don’t need to give up on cannabis entirely if you are allergic; simply opting for products with lower levels of allergen-triggering features may do the trick.

Symptoms Of Cannabis Allergies

Every person may have a different reaction to cannabis, and the severity of the symptoms may vary from person to person. Farmacy District believes that the best way to know if you are allergic to cannabis is to pay attention to your body. 

Generally speaking, though, the most common symptoms of a cannabis allergy include the following: [1]

1. A Dry Cough

Studio shot of an attractive young woman coughing against a grey background

The most common symptom of an allergy to cannabis is a dry, hacking cough that can last for days or even weeks. This often accompanies asthma-like symptoms like chest tightness and wheezing. If the THC and other components of cannabis are inhaled in high enough concentrations, it can irritate the airways and result in respiratory distress.

2. Runny Nose

A runny nose is another common symptom of an allergy to cannabis. It can range from a slightly stuffy feeling in your nose to full-blown sneezing and watery eyes. The reaction may cause swollen mucous membranes sometimes, making breathing difficult through your nose.

3. Itchy Skin

Cannabis allergies can sometimes cause itchy, red skin. This can range from a mild rash to more severe inflammation and hives. In extreme cases, an anaphylactic reaction (severe allergic reaction) may occur, which requires immediate medical attention.

4. Trouble Breathing

This is the most severe symptom of a cannabis allergy and can be life-threatening. It may start with difficulty breathing and progress to wheezing, chest tightness, and even loss of consciousness.

5. Nausea And Vomiting

Portrait of young man drunk or sick vomiting outdoors

In some cases, cannabis allergies may cause nausea and vomiting. This is usually accompanied by dizziness, lightheadedness, and general malaise. Sometimes the reaction may even cause stomach cramps and abdominal pain.

6. Scaly Skin

Scaly skin is widespread with cannabis allergies and can range from small patches of dry, scaly skin to large areas of inflamed, itchy lesions. Cannabis allergies can also cause extra sensitivity to the sun, so be sure to use sunscreen outdoors.

7. Sore Throat

If any person is allergic to cannabis, a sore throat is another common symptom. This can range from mild discomfort to severe pain and difficulty swallowing. In some cases, the reaction may even cause swollen lymph nodes.

These are just some of the more common symptoms of an allergy to cannabis. It’s important to remember that everyone will react differently, and the severity of the reaction may vary. If you experience any of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately. By diagnosing and treating cannabis allergies early on, you can minimize the risk of serious complications.

Risks Factors Of Cannabis Allergies

Cannabis Bulk Grinder, Dry Buds of Cannabis with fresh leaves.

Your body sees allergens as a potential threat and activates your immune system to protect against foreign bacteria. As a result, you may suffer from some allergic reactions or responses. 

Certain risk factors can make you more prone to having an allergy to cannabis exposure; those at higher risk of cannabis allergies need to be aware of these facts.

1. Allergen Cross-Reactivity

Allergies to cannabis can be more prone if you’re already allergic to other foods with similar proteins, known as allergen cross-reactivity. While cannabis allergies may sound bizarre, it might not be so far off for those who are already sensitive to tomatoes, peaches, grapefruit, almonds and chestnuts, eggplant, apples, or bananas. [2]

 Something in the air makes these food groups more close relation-like than one may have thought. So take caution if you fit into this category and know that cannabis allergies exist, although it is still good advice to enjoy your favorite fruits and vegetables.

2. Sensitization

Increased cannabis exposure puts you at greater risk of allergies. In particular, plant sensitivity is the most common side effect of getting used to smoking marijuana. It’s particularly true where it is now legal and growing outdoors.

Unfortunately, the pollen from all those cannabis plants can easily trigger an allergic reaction. Of course, nobody expected this as part of the legalization movement, but we’re learning that it does come with some risk. Some would call it an ironic consequence of this once-forbidden flower.

3. Increased THC Content

The rise of cannabis with higher THC content (the primary psychoactive component) has been linked to an increase in allergies. 

Researchers believe that stronger weeds can contain more cannabinoids and terpenes, which are known to be major allergenic compounds. So if you’re a fan of strong marijuana, it’s essential to be aware of the potential risks. [3]

Preventions From Cannabis Allergy 

It’s always important to stay informed about allergies and what you can do to prevent them. Prevention is always key, so it’s worth noting that there are some steps you can take to help protect yourself from cannabis allergies. 

Many people find that using an air filter or wearing a dust mask when handling cannabis can be beneficial in preventing sensitization. Several products on the market can help reduce your exposure to allergens, such as specialized filters for cannabis smoke. 

Additionally, if you’re already sensitive to certain foods, it’s worth avoiding them to reduce the risk of cross-reactivity. Finally, when it comes to marijuana consumption, avoid strong strains or frequent exposure if you have a history of allergies. 

Cannabis has several benefits, but allergies can be a severe risk – so stay informed and enjoy it responsibly. At Farmacy District, we want our customers to stay informed, safe, and healthy by providing several products with your needs in mind. Contact us to learn more about our products today.


1. Why are cannabis allergies on the rise?

Cannabis allergies are becoming increasingly common, and the reasons for this can vary. There has been a massive increase in cannabis cultivation over the past few years, resulting in more exposure to marijuana pollen, which is one of the leading causes of cannabis allergies.

2. Is it possible to be allergic to cannabis even if you haven’t tried it before?

Yes, it is possible to be allergic to cannabis without using or being exposed to the plant. People can develop allergies over time as they are exposed to more environmental allergens, including marijuana pollen and other substances found in cannabis products.

3. How to avoid cannabis allergies?

The best way to avoid cannabis allergies is to be mindful of potential allergens and take steps to limit your exposure. If you are using marijuana products, wear gloves when handling the plants and materials and wash your hands afterward.



